Sunday, August 4, 2013


 I am a garden person. 

This is not to say that I have Homes & Gardens scenery around my house, but I do love to dabble in landscaping, and creating little oasis' here and there. Almost everything I do is with reclaimed materials, and have an 'in nature' feel.

It goes without saying that with Migraine disorder (MAV dx), and with triggers like heat, humidity, and weather fronts - not much has been happening in the way of gardening. Until this month. And now, this week, the blessing of cool, dry weather - with gentle breezes. I should also mention that I am on new medication to control migraine and still on steroids to help break this MD attack. The 2.5 Valium every 6 hours has also been working to knock the chip off the whirly-bird's shoulder, too. The combination has brought about TWO, back-to-back, almost symptom-free days. Hallelujah!

The new area I'm working on is HUGE.  It required almost 3 dozen bags of mulch!  

I spent several hours planting Purple Fountain Grass, installing a little slate fountain, planting moon flowers, peppermint, and some sort of flower my husband brought home from a job site he had to flatten. Knowing I would never let him live it down if ever heard of him just burying such treasures, he felt compelled to bring some home, securing his place as husband of the year.

How I worked...and sweat...and smiled...and sang. I took frequent breaks, drank gallons of water - and relaxed as I worked. It was awesome!

After all was said and done, I drew a bath of tepid water, peeled off the muddy, blackened clothing, and slipped myself beneath the bubbles. Only then did the world begin to truly wiggle and shake, but my day had taken me through that gateway of bliss. What counted most lay beyond the physical.
Yesterday was medicine. Yesterday, the sun kissed my brow, as I sunk my fingers into the rich and fragrant earth. Yesterday, I created to my heart's content. I was, as far as anyone could tell, healed beyond my dizziness. I was rescued beyond my migraines. My very spirit was caressed- and I cried for a good while in relief, surrounded by my bubbles. Delivered, if even for just a handful of hours, and in this new place that I will forever associate with this precious reprieve - My garden.
An audiologist friend recently cautioned me, "Do not allow what you cannot do to interfere with what you can do." That had been on a bad, bad day, so I know how facile that sounds. From where I am at this precise moment, however, I am understanding this to mean that it is imperative to reach beyond my symptoms, and grab hold of whatever brings me joy. Seize that instant and hold it up above all the rest, and celebrate that puppy as if it represents my very life breath.

#migraine associated vertigo