Monday, August 5, 2013

Vertical Hold

In today's digital world, we hardly ever hear the term 'Vertical Hold'.  Back in the :mumblemuble: (years), it came in the form of a tiny dial designed to help control the vertical stabilization of the picture.  Without it, you were doomed to watch the picture slide up - over and over and over again. Arbitrarily, you would sometimes find yourself watching a bifurcated screen, bottom half resting over the upper.

This world of mine, which is prone to rocking from side to side, forward and/or back - I think back to those days and realize two things: A) I am clearly not digital and B) My dials done fell off and as with most relics, are impossible to find and replace.  Well, crap.

I am just now coming off of 18 days of steroids and putting on a good 12 lbs because of it.  Meh!  It'll come off again.  Meanwhile, I consider that, for the time being, my new-found posterior may well serve as ballast and keep me grounded.  Yeah...except for the fact that the world continues to be a ship's deck, and in the grand scheme, what weight I'm carrying is but a drop in the ocean!  The world itself, cares not.

Thank God that as a woman who has struggled with weight for most of my life, I have picked up a few tips along the way.  For example - a woman who is 5'2" and weighs 150lbs is considered to be obese.  Throw on a pair of 4" heels, she becomes that 'curvaceous' 5'6" woman.  So - in order to make the move from 'morbidly obese' to 'JUST obese', I figure 6" oughta do me.  I dare to dream!  As it stands....or leans, as it were - slipping into my 3" sandals requires the use of two hands against a solid wall, a focal point, and a few, whispered, 'Oh God, oh God's.  Just because I'm dizzy doesn't mean I still don't entertain my vanities, though. For the sake of some height and the illusion of fashion sense, I will gladly walk with my palm firmly places against a wall. 

A bit of serenity this morning.

A new morning ritual is to take a quiet walk through my gardens, armed with my camera, and take snapshots of those things that catch my eye.  This morning, I realized just how many things in this life exist in a spiraled plane. This is the first time I 'caught' a hibiscus, mid-unfurling.
And the morning glory, with it's spoked center which hints at a spin.

And for no reason other than I love my cats, here is Minette and Marvin.

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